Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

Matthew 28:19 - 20

The Mission

We are a Great Commissioned Church
The Great Commission is one of the most important passages in the Holy Bible. Found at the end of The Gospel Of Matthew, it's widely regarded as the last recorded personal instruction given by Jesus to His disciples. It's a personal directive from Jesus Christ to all His followers to take specific action while on this earth.
To Reach Lost Souls
To Teach Salvation
To Give Hope in the name of JESUS CHRIST.

The Vision

World Life Church seeks to develop others as believers and followers of Jesus Christ, mobilizing them for significant living and fulfilling their calling. We aim to teach them to love the Lord our God with all their heart, all their soul and with all their mind. (Matthew 22:37)

More about it.

Upon close examination of these three verses, one can immediately see the significance and importance this command from Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ holds for us as believers. Verse 18 points to the omnipotence of Jesus. He has all authority, not just in heaven, but on earth. This also proves that He is God and this is the foundation of Christian faith. The Gospel of John declares that Jesus is the word who was from the beginning, was with God and was God. (John 1: 1) He went on to say that the word became flesh and lived here among men, (John 1:14) therefore Jesus being God indeed has all authority. Furthermore, Jesus himself says "I and my Father are one."(John 10:30)
In verse 19, we as believers are given specific directions. We are called upon to "Go ye therefore..." We are mobilized to share the Gospel with others wherever we may go. Jesus did not make an exception to whom or where the Gospel must be shared. Also in this verse Jesus clearly validates the doctrine of the Trinity. "... in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..." The three persons of the Godhead are being called upon here, yet each though different in name is the same one God.
After sharing this good news of salvation, verse 20 directs us to further continue to teach and instruct others in all (not some) the ways of the Lord. As believers we are to teach others all that Jesus commands us to do. If we follow his commands, Jesus promises to be with us forever. We simply can't teach some, reject, omit nor change any of God's commandments at our leisure. Paul's charge to Timothy (2 Timothy 4:1-5) reflects how we as Christians are to go about spreading the good news.
Every Christian should make this a personal commitment. One does not have to be a worldwide missionary, or a person with a bible college degree. A talk with a neighbor, perhaps some young person on the street, or joining with the Evangelism ministry in ones church, is just be one of the ways to help spread the joy of salvation. Whichever avenue one chooses, we are all compelled as Christians to obey Christ and to do his will.

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